Sunday, December 04, 2005

Baby steps

After a disscussion with one of my knitting friends, I have come to the realization that what I thought was "the knit stitch" is actually knitting thru the back loop, resulting in having all my stitches being twisted. Doing the actual knit stitch feels as foreign to me as driving on the wrong side of the road, and after doing months of the wrong thing and getting comfortable with it, it kills me that I have to start over now (because my perfectionist nature won't let me continue to do things the "wrong" way). I have to stop myself from ripping all my works in progress out. I feel really down about this and part of me doesn't want to start over.


Blogger Sarah said...

It sounds like you are doing the Bavarian or Austrian (twisted) stitch. My knitting teacher told us twisting stitches was an advanced technique that we could learn later to make things look fancy. You are ahead of the game! But you probably do need to practice the regular knit stitch so you can have contrast. Keep practicing. Great party on Saturday sorry we couldn't stay too long.

5:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I feel so bad now. There's nothing wrong with the way you'd been knitting, it's just that there are more ways to do things and you can choose when to use which. Before long you'll forget you didn't know both methods. And no way are you allowed to give up now -- we'd all miss you!

We had such a great time on Saturday. Too bad John got cranky!

6:34 AM  
Blogger Jes said...

Don't worry about it! I did the same thing when I started knitting and I wanted to rip everything out too. It's not wrong, it's just called something other than what you thought it was. Now you know another stitch!
Just roll with it and finish the stuff you're working on. I promise that american knit stitch will become second nature pretty quickly.
And don't stress, I can't tell you how many people are out there that do the exact same thing and don't discover it for years!

7:03 AM  
Blogger Jenni said...

OOOOHhhhh, my confidence is shaken now. I was the one knitting "wrong" for a long time, but what you're describing sounds like what I've been doing. AND I'm going out of town, without my beloved knitting friends who might possibly help me get it figured out. Consolation: the things we've been knitting have looked pretty good, right? Can't be TOO terrible!

(I can't count the number of times I've ripped and re-started Branching Out. It's going with me, so maybe I'll have something done by January. I think blocking must make a big difference. I hope so, anyway.)

8:30 PM  

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