I heard from
someone that June 10th was a "Knit in Public Day". Since, I will be at work on Jun 10th (and my clients don't appreciate me knitting at work, especially since I don't knit for a living, oh but only if that were true!!!) I decided to do my Knitting in Public Day early....so I present a day at the auction!

Here we see my Dad and I at a Richie Bros. Auction. And what is that? YES I am knitting a sock! Shocker, eh? Don't you love my Dad's camo shorts? Richie Bros is one of the world's largest auction companies. What? Never heard of them? Well you wouldn't have unless you were interested in buying a backhoe, and I don't mean the street-walking kind (but if you could, wouldn't THAT be an interesting auction). BTW RB Auctions is second only to
this auction house. ;)
I've also decided, since I'm the Traveling Knitter, that I am going to do installments of the traveling sock a la Yarn Harlot, and for your viewing pleasure I have the first episode.

Here we see The Sock trying to jump into a boat, thank goodness my dad and his friend Robert (YES IT TOOK BOTH OF THEM!!) was there to catch it before things got out of hand. The sock is in my Dad's hand you can barely see it because he is embarrassed to be holding it.
In some further misadventures, The Sock insisted I pull over and let it have a picture of the Harley.

Dad's not QUITE as embarrassed about the holding the sock thing here...but he still didn't want to do it....he just did it so he could get on with life, because it would be futile to argue with me.
So how did you spend YOUR knitting in public day?
Jess I took your advice! I went from #1's to #35's to help with the hand pain! :)