Thursday, June 29, 2006

My Mom is in the hospital and needs blood ASAP, and may need a lot more in the coming weeks. PLEASE IF YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO IS A NEGATIVE PLEASE PLEASE ASK THEM TO DONATE ASAP. The blood has to go thru a bunch of screenings and stuff before she can get it so it will be a while before she can even get it.

Please make announcements where you your knitting group....where ever.....I am very desperate.

When you donate say you want this to go to:

Elizabeth Miodonski

In Cook County Hospital in Chicago.

Thank you very very much.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Blog activity

Blog activity will be stopping for a while....My Mom is very sick. Please send prayers/good thoughts.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hello is the Seat on this Bandwagon taken?

Cuz I'm a jumpin' on! Grumperina's contest has prompted me to join in the fun and maybe I'll have a chance in hell of winning prize number 500...cuz I need more a hole in the head.

Progess pics:

Yarn:Socks that Rock in the Tonalite Colorway
Pattern: duh, Jaywalkers, dude
Needles: Some new needles I bought recently, shorty Addi DPN's in sz 0...I really didn't think I would like the "shortys" but they are really working out for me!!!

After a weekend full of drama and stress involving a lost cat among other issues, my jaywalker looks like this:

This is the most dense sock I've ever is extremely full of stress....I just hope the second sock turns out to look similar.

At least she is home. We found her in the neighbors' yard looking like a wet wad of dryer lint.

Well this week I'm off working in a new place. The sock was sitting in the pasenger seat, he was supposed to keep me company on my drive to Grayville (I kid you not, that is the real name), but alas, he was snoring away as I was stuck in traffic taking the following picture....1 guess where I am.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Speaking of Socks...Uh I Mean Fathers' Day

Look what I made!

Pattern: Gentleman's Plain Winter Sock from Knitting Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush
Made from: Paton's Kroy Sock Yarn in Some sort of grey I freaking don't remember.
Needles: 2.5mm Addi Turbos (I think)
Mods: Short row heels baby!

They will be the gift of honor for my Grand-Father-in-law on Fathers' day! I'm hoping they will be a big hit. He was very jealous when I gave a clapotis to my mother-in-law on mothers day...he requested a shawl of his own....little did he know that these babies were on the way!

I haven't blocked/washed them yet, but when I do, I'll be blocking them on my newly made SOCK BLOCKERS!!! YOU TOO can make these babies! I conned my hubby into making them, and it took him 5 min to make these 5!!!! You want some yet? Ok go HERE!

Top fashion model simply known as "Pierce" agreed to model them for the general reading public. Be sure to leave a comment and let him know what you think....

P.S. The giant thing I was kitting in this entry is trying to be a warm hole-y shawl.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The sock has visited a new state!!!!

The sock would have been in the picture, but he insisted on TAKING the picture since he considers my picture taking abilities to be abysmal.

Friday, June 09, 2006

A Day At The Auction.

I heard from someone that June 10th was a "Knit in Public Day". Since, I will be at work on Jun 10th (and my clients don't appreciate me knitting at work, especially since I don't knit for a living, oh but only if that were true!!!) I decided to do my Knitting in Public Day I present a day at the auction!

Here we see my Dad and I at a Richie Bros. Auction. And what is that? YES I am knitting a sock! Shocker, eh? Don't you love my Dad's camo shorts? Richie Bros is one of the world's largest auction companies. What? Never heard of them? Well you wouldn't have unless you were interested in buying a backhoe, and I don't mean the street-walking kind (but if you could, wouldn't THAT be an interesting auction). BTW RB Auctions is second only to this auction house. ;)

I've also decided, since I'm the Traveling Knitter, that I am going to do installments of the traveling sock a la Yarn Harlot, and for your viewing pleasure I have the first episode.

Here we see The Sock trying to jump into a boat, thank goodness my dad and his friend Robert (YES IT TOOK BOTH OF THEM!!) was there to catch it before things got out of hand. The sock is in my Dad's hand you can barely see it because he is embarrassed to be holding it.

In some further misadventures, The Sock insisted I pull over and let it have a picture of the Harley.

Dad's not QUITE as embarrassed about the holding the sock thing here...but he still didn't want to do it....he just did it so he could get on with life, because it would be futile to argue with me.

So how did you spend YOUR knitting in public day?

P.S. Jess I took your advice! I went from #1's to #35's to help with the hand pain! :)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

My fleece has been shorn!!!!

This has been a FO A LOOOOOONG YEAR AND A HALF in the making! I'm so happy it's finally happened....



This really has nothing to do with knitting (besides the relation to "fleeces" being "shorn"), and NO the fleece is not going to be SPUN! I started growing my hair for Lock of Love. These folks collect human hair to make wigs for children with diseases like cancer that makes them loose their hair. I normally like my hair short, and it was tourture to have it so long. The heat in the last couple of days has pushed me over the edge to get it cut.

Here is a front shot.

And the final product, going off to a needy child!!

For those intersted, my "friend" is Lili. Besides my obsession with knitting, I'm also a some-time animal rescuer for Cat Haven, and today I spent the day at Petsmart trying to find Lili and Company a new home. Lili just crawled right up my shoulder and into my heart.

"Pick me, pick me!!!! I want to come home with you and play with your yarn!!!"

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Time For a Break?

I've been working (clicking a mouse in a non ergonomically friendly enviroment for what feels like 24/7) and knitting ALOT recently, and as a result my RIGHT (ie clicking hand) is sore. Sooooooooo I'm here, after work, in my hotel room, in El Paso with a whole night ahead of me. So what is the recommendation? Rest and relaxation? Sleep to get rid of the bags and redness around the eyes?

Noooooo all I can think about is doing this......

These are plain vanilla short row toe and heel with 4x4 ribbing socks....just one of my many WIP's.

[Sigh] Ok, well since we all know how obsessed I am about knitting go here and take a look at my Mata Hari sock progress.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to get rid of hand soreness, please let me know!!!
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